Thursday, December 28, 2006

God Still Heals

<(Richard with Lester Bruno and Pastor Hultner Estrada)

We just received tremendous news from Managua, Nicaragua. Jo Ann and I always speak there on our last night in the country at a church called Josue. Last trip we layed hands on a girl who had cancer. We also left her a prayer cloth according to Acts 19:11.

This morning our friend, Lester Bruno e-mailed and said that Pastor Isaac Estrada (Hultner's father) was very excited and wanted to let us know that God has healed the girl. It seems she returned to the doctor a few days after we ministered to her, he examined her and was shocked to find no cancer in her body. God is so good, and He is still in the healing business.

We will return to Nicaragua in late March with plans to feed 500 families for over a week, lay plans to build a church, lead seminars for pastors and church leaders and of course, preach. As usual, we will be very busy visiting many areas and churches and touching hundreds for the Lord. God continues to expand His calling upon us for ministry to His people.

If you feel led to help in any way, please let us know. We need financial and prayer support and partners are always a blessing.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Leading the Lost to Jesus

This young lady was present in a little country church as we gave out food. We gave her a New Testament and told her how to receive the gift of salvation.
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Friday, December 01, 2006

Just Returned from Nicaragua

We have just returned from our 9th mission trip to Nicaragua. Jo Ann and I led seminars in the morning hours for pastors and church leaders. In the evenings we held regular church services.

This trip we spoke 16 times in 14 different churches and touched hundreds of lives for the Lord.

For a long time we have felt the call to feed the poor but we have not had the resources. This trip however, God blessed us and we were able to feed 150 families for over a week. Each family was also given soap, candy and cookies for the kids and a Spanish New Testament.

We are currently planning our next trip which is set for March 24. On that trip we hope to feed 500 families and check into building a church in a poor area. Then we hope to return in June or July with a team to build the church and continue ministry to the people we love.

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