Friday, April 10, 2009

April 09 Trip

This trip the Lord provided many blessings.

We provided a hot meal for over 300 children and gave them flip flops, caps and buckets for their food. The picture shows one of the little ones receiving his cap, and you can see the new flips on his feet.

A conference for pastor's wives and another for the pastor's themselves was held in Corinto.

We also held our 1st annual Partnerships in Vision confenence in Chichigalpha. This was a meeting to encourage and empower pastors and churches to get involved in children's ministry.

In the evenings we had either a church service, youth group meeting or leadership meeting. All were a great blessing.

Our next trip is June 4 ot 5. We will be taking a team then.

If you feel led to pray for our ministry or help support us financially, please contact us at:

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